How to Cite a Book With an Editor in MLA Format
Basic Information
- In book publishing, there are two editions:
- Different editions of the same book published numerous times
- Book that has been published by a totally different person other than the author, normally an editor.
A successive Edition
- Cite the book as usual but add the number of the edition after the title:
—Hill, Charles, and Marguerite Helmers. Defining Visual Rhetorics. 4th ed. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004. Print.
A Work Prepared by an Editor
- Cite the book as usual but add the editor after the title:
—Bishop, Elizabeth. One Art: Letters. Ed. Robert Giroux. New York: Farrar, 1994. Print.
Book with no Author Information Available
- If the book has no author, start with the title, followed by the other items in alphabetical sequence. The below example might be part of entries of publications by John, Harry, and Stacy, Hathaway.
—Peterson's Annual Guides to Graduate Study. New Jersey: Peterson's, 1999. Print.